Change - that annoying, exhilarating thing that always seems to be present in our lives. Even when we think that nothing much is new or is changing very much, change is still happening--be it slow, subtle or even outside of our direct notice.
Sometimes change is fun. We've instigated it so we feel the fruits of our labors when things happen.
At other times, change is exciting because it comes as a pleasant, unexpected surprise--a gift to disrupt the humdrum predictability of life.
And then, there are those times when change is so unwelcome that we'd like to swiftly close the door on it and prevent it from happening.
It's during those rough spots with change that we need to re-frame our thinking. When we flow with the winds of change, even those winds that feel like a gale or a tornado or a hurricane, we can maneuver the change with greater ease. You may end up somewhere new--perhaps not geographically, but through the way you see things or through the people you meet.
Think about how you respond to change and how you might alter your ways to navigate change's winds more positively.
Today, this week: Flow with the winds of change. They may very well take you
to great, new places.