As human beings, our wants are often greater than our needs. When
we pause and reflect on our blessings, both large and small, grand and
everyday, immediate and evergreen, everything changes.
When we're grateful, we often find that what we have is enough.
There is peace in knowing that it is all enough. There is no need for more. What
we have is already blessing.
And when we feel blessed, we often find that there is enough
blessing inside of us to share them with others. That sharing of blessing doesn’t
have to be big or grandiose. It can be small, everyday and ordinary, such as
purchasing a few extra nonperishable foods for your local food bank, calling a
homebound friend for some conversation, opening the door for someone as you
both enter a building or writing a note of thanks for a kindness expressed to
Those small acts reflect good in the world. That goodness will
have a ripple effect, extending goodness again and again and again.
Today, this week: Look
for ways each day to be a blessing to others. Reflect all that is good.