Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Sunshine: Learn, Grow, Become

The new school year provides the perfect time to remind ourselves that learning can take place every day and at every stage of our lives, whether or not we’re in the formal setting of a classroom.

What new thought is calling to you? What would you like to learn?

When you’re curious and you choose to see everything as a teachable moment, you learn new information and expand your perspectives.

How do you plan to stretch your horizons?

Today, this week: Spend time each day learning something new.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Sunshine: Look to the Rainbows

There are days when it seems as if the old adage of “when it rains, it pours” is so true that there aren’t enough umbrellas and galoshes to protect you from the deluge.

Don’t allow yourself to get swallowed up by the storms in your life. Redirect your focus to rise above the rain. Reach for the rainbows.

When you dedicate energy to seeking the good and seeing the possibilities in each difficult situation, the hold that those sorrows and fears have over you is lessened. It’s easier to flow through the experience until you can see the sunshine again.

Life will have its way of giving us rain every now and again, but don’t dwell there. Seek the light. Be the light. Look to the rainbows.

Today, this week: Reach for the rainbows and they will be there for you.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday Sunshine: Live Joyfully. Live Peacefully. Live Lovingly.

Look in the mirror—not just to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Really look at your reflection. What do you see? Do you see the face of peace? Of love? Of joy?

Smile, for you are all of those good things!

When you reach into the depths of your being to find that eternal fountain of joy, peace and love, they can’t help but radiate from you so that they’re visible on your face.

Love, peace and joy are always there to tap into, even when things feel difficult or challenging.

So, use the gift of today to be loving, joyful and peaceful. Make it your intention to be a reflection to the world of all that is good. Reflect the light.

Today, this week: Live joyfully. Live peacefully. Live lovingly.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday Sunshine: Be a Blessing

As human beings, our wants are often greater than our needs. When we pause and reflect on our blessings, both large and small, grand and everyday, immediate and evergreen, everything changes.

When we're grateful, we often find that what we have is enough. There is peace in knowing that it is all enough. There is no need for more. What we have is already blessing.

And when we feel blessed, we often find that there is enough blessing inside of us to share them with others. That sharing of blessing doesn’t have to be big or grandiose. It can be small, everyday and ordinary, such as purchasing a few extra nonperishable foods for your local food bank, calling a homebound friend for some conversation, opening the door for someone as you both enter a building or writing a note of thanks for a kindness expressed to you.

Those small acts reflect good in the world. That goodness will have a ripple effect, extending goodness again and again and again.

Today, this week: Look for ways each day to be a blessing to others. Reflect all that is good.