We hang onto them as if they
were among our most prized possessions. We keep a firm grip on them so we can
draw upon them throughout our waking—and especially our nighttime—hours. They
are our worries and fears.
When we give them our
attention and energy, our fears and worries become bigger, darker and more foreboding,
especially in those middle-of-the-night hours when all seems darker, bigger and
scarier. Don’t let them consume you.
Do not be afraid. Look fears
and worries straight in the eye. Turn them around and scoot them out the door. Let
them float away with the wind.
those empty spaces instead with hope and gratitude. Focus on the blessings of this moment,
and your worries and fears won’t find room to come back. Face
the light.
Today, this week: Focus on your blessings, not your worries or