Sunday, May 6, 2018

May's Song

                When I think of the month of May, I hear my late mom’s sweet voice singing “White Coral Bells.” While there are slight variations to the lyrics, here’s how Mom would sing them to me as a lullaby when I was a little girl: “White coral bells, along a slender stalk. Lilies of the valley line my garden walk. Oh, how I wish that I could hear them ring. That will only happen when the fairies sing.”
                A few months ago, my husband and I gathered with friends to enjoy a potluck dinner together, followed by the singing of folk songs. Among the songs we sang that evening was a beautiful round of “White Coral Bells.” I could feel Mom’s spirit with us that evening!
                Now that May is here, the lilies of the valley will soon line the garden walk of a lovely friend whose mother used to sing “White Coral Bells” to her, as well. She has invited me to visit her when the lilies of the valley are in full bloom and to sing together “White Coral Bells” in memory of our moms. I look forward to it and hope it will become our May tradition for years to come.
                I also look forward to my own white coral bells experiment. A dear friend who sports a green thumb and a master gardener certificate, researched how to best plant and care for lilies of the valley in a container. She, then, gave one to me for my May birthday last year. I followed her instructions and hope to see blooming lilies of the valley, perhaps not lining my garden walk, but at least by our condominium's front door in a few weeks.

                May is a melody of loveliness, each week a different stanza in a song of beauty. If May had its own song (and I think it does), I would deem it to be “White Coral Bells.”


  1. this is beautiful! can i cry now?

    1. Thank you, Amy! The lilies of the valley are out and the song has been sung. My memories of May are sweet, just like the scent of the lilies of the valley.


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