Sunday, August 29, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Beautiful Music

Listen to the song of your heart. Bless others with its beautiful music.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Jubilation

May you feel the light of peace, the warmth of love, the jubilation of joy and the beauty of this day.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Stand Out

Don’t blend in. Stand out, stand up and be the gift you are intended to be to the world.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Slow Down

Slow down and you’ll find beauty in the details. When you’re open to wonder, you'll also find wisdom.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Clear the Clutter

When we clear away the clutter from our lives, we invite calmness, freedom and newness. What might you shed that is weighing you down?

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.