Friday, December 24, 2021

Cultivate Joy


It's that glorious time of year when we lift our hearts and minds and voices in joy. Joy, however, isn’t limited to Christmastime. 

Thich Nhat Hanh, the famous Vietnamese monk and peace activist, cautions us about mistaking joy as something that happens spontaneously or only seasonally. He says that joy must be cultivated, it must be practiced all of the time if it’s to grow. He suggests that we each have the ability to “cultivate peace and joy in ourselves, which we can then offer to those around us.” Every day all year long, there is the opportunity to cultivate joy. 

When you view your life as a blessing and when you receive and give love openly, you tend to feel happier, to feel more joyful. And the great thing is that happiness and joy don't just stay inside of you. Their good energy exudes from you and spreads naturally to others. 

You don't need a lot of money, a new car, a fancy house, fashionable clothes or the latest gadget to experience and share joy. Most often, our greatest joys come from our small, ordinary moments. 

Today: Cultivate joy and then share it with others.

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