Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Now that March has arrived (and it did so like a lamb until the snowstorm on March 2!), I've been thinking a bit about lambs and sheep.  I even read a book recently in which the author talked about sheep, sheepdogs and spinning wool.  I know nearly nothing about sheep and lambs and I've never spun any type of wool.  However, when March arrives, I resonate with lambs, their softness and their perceived gentle personalities, and I'm grateful when the month arrives with that same meekness.  So, March is here:  The days are getting longer, the average daily temperature is rising, and the lion-like winter world is giving way to the lamb-like loveliness of a gentler season.  I'm not going to feel "sheepish" over this next statement:  Spring is not a  baaa-d time of year to be alive!

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