Sunday, February 16, 2014


One evening last week, I was at church surveying the stained glass windows when my tour took me to a conference room on the second floor.  The room was named after a woman who gave much energy, guidance and leadership to our church, Evelyn Pfaff.  A photo of Evelyn is displayed in the room, along with her full name.  Although I had seen it posted there many times before, I was struck this time by the fact that Evelyn's middle name was Delight.  Just reading it made me smile.  What a wonderful gift to bestow a child than to give her the middle name of Delight.  There may be reasons unknown to me as to why she received her middle name, but in my viewpoint, it would be nice if every child could have such a middle name and be treated as if he or she is one.  Although I have not had the opportunity to be a mother or grandmother, I do have opportunities to interact with the children and youth from our church.  Each one is filled with the exuberance for today and the hope for tomorrow.  They bring joy and good energy to our congregation, reminding us of what is important in life. May we see those children -- and all children -- for what they are, a delight. 

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