Monday, February 27, 2012

10% to 50%

It's amazing what little we know about people we see every day.  I have a colleague at work whose artistic talents were not known to most of us until a few months ago.  One day, I saw an exhibit of her beautiful scenic paintings on display in our facility's art gallery and I was in awe.  In that nonchalant way of truly talented people, she said that she worked with metal and sculpture but had decided to spend her vacation learning how to paint.  What resulted were lovely works that captivated her co-workers' and others' attention as they walked through the public hallway that also serves as gallery.  She told me recently, in her quiet way, that she feels that humans should devote 10% to 50% of their time pursuing those things that feed their souls.  Could I read, sing, take walks or write this blog for up to 50% of my time?  Maybe. Possibly. Time has a way of passing quickly when you are passionate about whatever it is you're doing.  Hence, the term "pastime."  We pass much of our time working to keep food on the table.  It seems only right to pass a portion of the rest of our time feeding our souls.

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