Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just a Softy

A friend told me recently that she felt (in positive ways) that I was a Pollyanna because I saw the good in the world around me.  I replied that I feared I was simply naive.  But my friend pressed on, assuring me that we need to be reminded of the positive things in life.  I read recently that we shouldn't let the world make us hard, that we should "be soft."  I am and always have been a softy.  I cry at television commercials and even engage in what I call anticipatory weeping before the end of happy movies I've seen a million times.  It's easy in this day and age to become hardened and even bitter, but if we allow circumstances to steal our softness, how will we ever truly know love and feel joy? Corporate America would likely tell you otherwise, but I think it's OK to cry (and laugh) easily and be soft, vulnerable and thin-skinned.  I've decided that I'm going to embrace and celebrate my soft and optimistic side, as my friend suggested, for in so doing, the world will be a more positive and sweet place for me and maybe for those around me.


  1. I have, since I've known you, appreciated your positive and optimistic attitude ... and have learned a LOT from you :)

    1. Thanks so much, MJ,for your lovely comments. You are the most positive, upbeat person I know. You find joy in everything! Thank you for giving me the gift of your happiness and laughter.

  2. Hi Keri
    Yes on the positive side I have always thought it was so much easier to deal with positives than negitaves
    like I have always said is your cup half full or half empty
    and look forward to a new day with new oportunities
    you might think of your self that way but I see a very strong and determined lady that can bring smiles to just about any one


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