Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Calendar Girl

I'm one of those people who still carry around a purse-/pocket-size calendar.  I love the feeling of jotting a note to myself, only to be able to cross it off later.  I refer to my calendar several times a day, making notations, crossing them off and double-checking to make sure I'm in the right place at the right time.  You can imagine my shock when I opened up my purse recently to find that my calendar was missing.  My first thought was:  How will I know what to do?  I reminded myself of a character I enjoy reading in a mystery series who refers to her notebook as reminding her of everything, including when to breathe.  If my calendar was lost, how would I be able to retrieve all of that important information?  Then, it dawned on me that I had likely left it in one particular place at home while attempting to do more than one thing at a time (shame on me).  Fortunately, my precious calendar was right where I thought it would be when I got home.  It's now happily back in my purse so I can refer to it over and over, making sure that I'm not only in the right place at the right time, but that I remember when to breathe.

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