Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Stillmeadow Day

In celebration of Mother's Day today, I was invited by our pastor to speak for a few moments during the Sunday worship service. I chose to limit my own personal remarks and, instead, to read from Stillmeadow Sampler (J.B. Lippincott Company, 1959) by my late mom's favorite author, Gladys Taber.  Mom loved Mrs. Taber's words and so do I.  Her writing was gentle and delightful, capturing a bit of reminiscing and a bit of ordinary, everyday life.  Mom frequently lightly marked in pencil her favorite passages in Mrs. Taber's books.  While this particular passage wasn't so-marked, it spoke to me because it so reminded me of my mom and her own gentle, kind, soft-spoken, though lots of fun, spirit.  What I particularly enjoy about Stillmeadow Sampler is that it starts with spring, my favorite season.  It wasn't hard for me to find what I believe was just the right passage about May, Mrs. Taber's mother and how moms and daughters can be friends.  Although it has been two years since I was able to celebrate Mother's Day with my dear, late mom, I felt her gentle, lovely spirit as I read those words at church today, knowing that with her, every day was Mother's Day, and confident now she will forever be in my heart.

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