Saturday, May 11, 2013

Listen Hard.

One recent day, I opened up our mailbox to find a cardboard box from a national bookseller.  Inside the surprise box was a treasure, a book titled Following the Path: The Search for a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Joy by Joan Chittister (Image, 2012). There was no note to identify the sender.  I pondered who among my family and friends would be so perceptive and kind as to think of me by mailing such a meaningful book.  Within a day, it dawned on me who that someone might be and fortunately, the mystery was solved. The title of the book immediately pulled me in and I sat down to read the first chapter.  I have been engaged in a life search for a while, but lately, that search has intensified.  Reading the book has brought me to tears, made me smile and caused me to read passages aloud to my husband Larry.  Throughout, I've had numerous "aha" moments.  I decided that once I finish the book, I'm going to immediately re-read it to capture any nugget of wisdom I might have missed.  Meanwhile, I'm listening for that small, wise inner voice that will guide me on the next leg of my life's path toward passion, purpose and joy.  I'm listening hard.

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