Monday, June 3, 2013

Dinner Companions

My husband Larry and I have had the opportunity to spend evenings with various dinner companions over the past month.  Some of them were people we had never met before.  Others were comfortable, old friends with whom we could talk about anything.  Yet others were people we hadn't seen in a while, but the threads of old conversations were brought up from our yesterdays and we carried them on as if the conversations had never stopped.  I really enjoy having dinner companions.  It's so much more fun than dining alone.  Even when Larry and I have a simple dinner together at our table at home, we can enjoy quiet moments of wholesome food and stimulating conversation.  Throughout the past month, we've talked with dinner companions about a wide range of topics, all of which have enlightened me and provoked thought, from the arts to banking to politics to writing to gardening.  We've learned about people's passions and concerns, their creativity and what they consider everyday.  It's been great to come to the table with such a variety of dinner guests and leave feeling fed from more than just the meal.

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