Thursday, February 20, 2014

Going Green

Green is one of my favorite colors.  I love all of the subtle shades of green as the trees, shrubs and flowers show signs of new spring life. I strive to live green by reducing, reusing and recycling. But, I draw the line when people's faces start turning green on our living room television. What started as a fluke has now become a more frequent occurrence where everything turns a strange, sickly shade of green. I'm struggling to part with the set, however.  I wish there were ways to repair, rather than simply recycle and buy new.  But, the set is probably about 20 years old and has served its years well, both for Mom (who first owned the TV) and us. The green scene doesn't last long, so Larry and I decided to let it go a while longer until it truly interferes with our viewing pleasure.  Then, it'll be time to join the rest of humanity and own a flat-screen television.  I believe the time is coming soon.

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