Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Power of Love


The power of love is bright and beautiful and evergreen. Embrace love and share it generously with others.

Spread God's Love


“Love you!” Whenever my friend, Debbie, drives by while I’m out walking, she honks the horn, rolls down her car window, and with a beautiful smile, joyfully calls out to me, “Love you!” 

Those two simple, happy words always make my day. It’s easy in this age of negative 24/7 news, angry social media posts and polarizing perspectives to fall into the belief that we can’t do anything to positively affect the world. 

But Debbie knows better. With one “Love you!” after another, she is doing something powerful and transformative: she is spreading love. 

When fear, worry, and differences distract us, we would all benefit from gratefully receiving and generously spreading God’s love. When we focus on being kind, respectful, compassionate and loving, we take positive action that sends ripples of positivity. Our thoughts, words and actions make a difference. 

Today: Spread God’s love. “Let all you do be done in love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:14


Friday, December 24, 2021

The Eyes of Wonder and Joy


See the world through the eyes of wonder and joy. Each day holds that opportunity for you.

Cultivate Joy


It's that glorious time of year when we lift our hearts and minds and voices in joy. Joy, however, isn’t limited to Christmastime. 

Thich Nhat Hanh, the famous Vietnamese monk and peace activist, cautions us about mistaking joy as something that happens spontaneously or only seasonally. He says that joy must be cultivated, it must be practiced all of the time if it’s to grow. He suggests that we each have the ability to “cultivate peace and joy in ourselves, which we can then offer to those around us.” Every day all year long, there is the opportunity to cultivate joy. 

When you view your life as a blessing and when you receive and give love openly, you tend to feel happier, to feel more joyful. And the great thing is that happiness and joy don't just stay inside of you. Their good energy exudes from you and spreads naturally to others. 

You don't need a lot of money, a new car, a fancy house, fashionable clothes or the latest gadget to experience and share joy. Most often, our greatest joys come from our small, ordinary moments. 

Today: Cultivate joy and then share it with others.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Cast Light into the Darkness


Now more than ever, let your peaceful spirit cast light into the darkness.

Calm in Your Heart


My late mom, Barb Naidl, loved working with her hands and she had a talent for it. If she wasn’t making her lovely red felt cardinal ornaments, she was coming up with some other creative idea. 

One year, she hand-sewed small square pillows filled with homemade potpourri. On one side of each pillow, she wrote a word. On mine, she wrote “peace.” Whenever I run my fingers over her handwriting on that small pillow, I feel a calm in my heart as if Mom is passing the sign of peace to me. 

Life can be a rather stressful experience at times. We may feel downhearted, exhausted, spent, isolated. It’s in those moments when I think about my loving mom’s gift—her handwritten message to me about peace. I think about how I might make room for peace in my heart when the days feel hard, and how I might pass that peace along to others so that they, too, may experience it and pass it along. 

Today: Feel peace, live peace, pass peace on. “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Keep Hope in Your Heart


Always keep hope in your heart. Even the winter trees hold the hope and promise of spring in their buds.

Wings of Hope


My dear friend, Mary, writes eloquent letters to me in beautiful penmanship. In one of those keepsake letters, Mary wrote about the popular Johnny Mercer song from the 1940s, Accentuate the Positive. She reminded me to keep going, to remain hopeful. 

Her words helped me to carry on during a challenging time in my life. It's not always easy to be hopeful or optimistic, especially when life dishes out painful, difficult moments. 

It seems as if those times become magnified during the Christmas season when all is supposed to be “merry.” We all know those who are experiencing illness or are caring for a loved one. We know those who are suffering from the loss of a spouse or parent or child. We know those who are dealing with unwelcome work changes or carrying the burden of a financial crisis. 

It’s during those heavy times when this season of Advent is even more important because it is the season of hope. As we approach the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, remember those who are experiencing their own longest nights. Lift them up with the wings of hope. 

Today: Be a source of hope for someone.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Be Light!

Tomorrow marks 10 years since I began writing this Time to Be blog. What began as a healing mechanism to help me put words to my grief after my mother passed away turned into a delightful space in which to explore my writing voice, refine my focus on blessing and joy, and share messages that I discovered deep in my heart. 

As with all things, however, they eventually come to an end. It's time for me to be for a bit. 

While my Time to Be blog will continue in some shape or form, I will contribute to it only periodically, not on a weekly (or more often) basis, as I've done over the past decade.

When I do post again to this blog, I will be sure to share the link to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Till our next time together, thank you. Thank you for sharing in this forum. Thank you for your supportive words, your encouragement and your feedback. Thank you for inspiring me with your ideas. 

Till next time...Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Reservoir of Joy

Joy is found in small things. Look to those things and you will find an endless, beautiful reservoir of joy to draw from.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Be Happy

There’s no need to look around for happiness or to try to buy it. Happiness is available to you free at any time. YOU hold the key to your happiness. There is a bottomless reservoir of it inside of you always.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Reach Out with Love

Reach out with love. Extend a hand. Dry a tear. We are here to lift each other up.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Loveliness Abounds

There is so much loveliness around us. Take some moments each day to enjoy all that nature offers.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Rest from Your Labors

Rest from your labors. Make time to simply be. Watch the cloud formations. Let your imagination drift. You’ll refill your energy well.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Beautiful Music

Listen to the song of your heart. Bless others with its beautiful music.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Jubilation

May you feel the light of peace, the warmth of love, the jubilation of joy and the beauty of this day.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Stand Out

Don’t blend in. Stand out, stand up and be the gift you are intended to be to the world.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Slow Down

Slow down and you’ll find beauty in the details. When you’re open to wonder, you'll also find wisdom.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Clear the Clutter

When we clear away the clutter from our lives, we invite calmness, freedom and newness. What might you shed that is weighing you down?

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Busy, Busy

Don’t just be busy. Be productive, be mindful and do your best. But also make time for relaxation and fun each day.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Affirming Words

Whenever you look in the mirror, smile, remember your blessings and affirm that today is going to be a great and joyful day.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Your Next Chapter

Look at your life book. How would you like your next chapter to read?

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Freedom

On this Independence Day, focus your gratitude on the freedoms you enjoy every day. Then, utilize those freedoms to make a better world around you.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Extend a Hand

Now, more than ever, seek to understand, show respect, and extend a hand of kindness to each other. We are more alike than different.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: The Light of Gratitude

Even in our times of tears, there is sunshine in our abundant blessings. The light of gratitude lessens our sorrows.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Try this Recipe

Recipe for Living Well

Equal parts of the following: Spread joy. Be loving and kind. Give generously. Give thanks. Embrace your inner wisdom. Seek to understand. Come from a place of respect. 

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: When the Time is Right

Like the late-blooming flower, sometimes you have to be patient and wait for the right time. Hang onto hope, hang onto faith, focus on the present moment, and focus on your personal growth. You'll blossom when the time is right.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Silence

Grow still. Grow silent. The answers will find you.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: The Gift

Make the most of every single day. Treat it as a gift that is to be enjoyed, explored and experienced to the fullest.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Lift a Hand

Lift a hand. Show kindness. Display compassion. During times of difficulty, love is the beacon to see us through.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Say Yes

Be open. Say yes. Embrace change. You never know which new opportunities will bring brilliant color to your life.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Stay Calm

Regardless of the stormy skies in your life, stay calm, breathe peace.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: New Horizons

Even if the horizon feels far away, keep going, keep pursuing your dreams. There's joy to be found on the journey!

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Blossom and Shine

Sometimes you must stand alone in order to stand for what you believe in. Be brave. Allow yourself to blossom and shine.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Cultivate Joy

Like ripples of water, the joy we cultivate for ourselves can’t help but spread to others.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Spend Time in Nature

Spend time outdoors in silence. Let nature speak to your heart.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Celebrate You

Step out into the sunlight and celebrate you! You have gifts and talents the world needs.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Fly Away, Fears

Let your worries and fears take wing and fly away. There is too much blessing to allow worry and fear a place to roost.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Make Room for Joy

Make room for what gives you joy. Dedicate time to your passions and pastimes, and you’ll make every day lighter and brighter.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Be a Rainbow

Be a rainbow in someone’s rainy day. Practice kindness and compassion.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Fill Your Heart with Love

Fill your mind and heart with love. The fruits of your efforts will make this world a better, kinder place.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Follow Your Heart

Listen to the still, small voice inside of you. You hold all that you need to follow your heart.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Spread Love

Breathe love. Spread love. Love is stronger than hate, stronger than fear. Be the good you wish to see in the world.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Unexpected Places

Sometimes, while you're busy planning your life, you find your heart in unexpected places.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Rest and Renew

Make time for rest, reflection, and renewal. Take care of your mind, body, and spirit.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Name Your Blessings

What are you grateful for today? When you name your blessings, it becomes easier to see the abundance in your life.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: Focus on the Loveliness

There is beauty within and without, up and down, all around. Focus on that loveliness and you will find joy.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: The Real You

Be authentic. Be the real you. You’ll be content and the world will be blessed with your uniqueness.

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Ray of Sunshine: A New Year

Today’s the perfect day to dream big! Think about your hopes, dreams and aspirations for your life in this new year. Take the first step toward making them come true. 

Blessings for your day and week. Spread sunshine. Be the light.