Saturday, January 21, 2012

Number 100!

This is my 100th Time to Be post.  A milestone!  When I started my little blogging experiment last October, I wasn't sure how it would play out or in what direction it would take.  Would I have enough thoughts, opinions, stories, word pictures to create a daily paragraph?  Writing has always given me joy from childhood on, when I used to compose poetry and even lyrics to hymns I'd made up. As a teen, I wrote for my junior and senior high school newspapers.  I've kept diaries and journals.  I was a pen pal to people on both sides of the Atlantic.  I've written more meeting minutes and news releases that I can count.  I've crafted feature stories. And I've even described items for catalogs, ranging from office furniture and lingerie to chocolate and handbags.  I love to write letters. But this blog is different.  It feeds my soul.  Your comments inspire and encourage me.  I thank all of you who have joined me on this journey and stuck with me so far.  We'll see where the blog muse takes me next.  I hope you'll continue to follow Time to Be and will keep providing me with your comments and stories.  The journey is truly better than the destination.

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts It always brings a smile to my face and even thou I can't see you can see and hear that friendly smile of voice of yours
    and thanks for sharing a small piece of your life with the rest of us



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