Thursday, September 6, 2012

God Sky

I was driven to take a walk through our neighborhood one recent evening.  It had been a stressful work day and I needed the time to meditate.  As I mounted the hill heading west, all around me was what I call God Sky.  When we were young girls, my forever friend Pam and I used to refer to God Skies and God Clouds after seeing too many televised versions of "The Robe," "The Ten Commandments," and "Ben Hur," where God's presence would be made known by particular sky scenes -- usually sun's rays angling out from behind clouds.  On my evening walk, that was the sky I saw, a God Sky.  It was so captivating that I couldn't lower my eyes.  I just had to look at that magnificent God Sky. I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of peace.  I knew that my worries could be put to rest and that all would be alright.

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