Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thinking and Wondering

While browsing Facebook recently, someone posted a quote attributed to Dr. Seuss:  "Thinking and wondering, wondering and thinking."  I couldn't help but be reminded of myself in that quote.  I've been doing a lot of thinking and wondering, wondering and thinking lately.  I have been using my quiet time, my alone time to ponder great adventures that have been coming my way and how to keep pursuing my passions with more gusto, vigor and persistence so that such adventurous opportunities keep coming my way.  Such answers don't usually come readily or easily to me.  They require thinking and wondering, wondering and thinking on my part, sometimes for several days before I come to an answer.  What I've learned is that, sometimes, I simply need to let go of my thinking and wondering in order to tumble to just the right solution.  So, perhaps my personal version of the quote would be, "Thinking and wondering, wondering and thinking, then letting go, relaxing and listening to that deep inner voice for just the right answer."

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