Saturday, January 11, 2014

For Everything

When I was a girl, I loved The Byrds' rendition of "Turn, Turn, Turn," with lyrics based on the familiar passage from the book of Ecclesiastes in The Bible, "For everything there is a season...."  To this day, whenever I hear that song, I just have to sing along.  I noted recently that, with the beginning of the new year, I have been seeing countless references to time.  This Biblical passage reminds me, through a series of opposites, that there is indeed a time for everything, but such time may not be of my choosing.  It's made me think of those times when I have wanted something very badly.  On certain occasions, I have gotten my wish and on others, I have not.  It's made me think of how difficult it can seem when I am grieving that at another time I will dance.  I can't quite wrap my head around when it's time to hate or to be at war, but that perhaps requires more reflection on my part. It's made me think of how I use my time.  Do I use it wisely, gratefully, joyfully or do I squander it with worry, concern, unhappiness?  Perhaps the two phrases in the Ecclesiastes passage that resonate with me the most right now are the time to be quiet and the time to search. I believe I'm in my winter right now, quiet, searching, reflecting.  With time, the seasons will change, I will come out of my winter.  Turn, turn, turn....

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