Thursday, January 23, 2014

Justice as a Storm or Sun

Our pastor always offers thought-provoking sermons.  One of her recent messages had to do with justice. Sometimes, justice is rendered like thunder and lightning.  At other times, it calls for gentleness and a peaceable countenance.  Both ways are valuable and both ways can get the desired results.  I think of local people I know who work for justice through kindness.  For instance, the warming shelter in this community has served many a grateful recipient during this raw winter weather.  People from our church have contributed by purchasing a refrigerator and a washing machine for the facility. Others have contributed donations of food for home-made, hot meals.  Still others have contributed financially toward a new initiative that will provide health kits for those staying there. Another person from our church collected toys for children served at the warming shelter. And others from our church run an outlet location to provide free clothing to those in need.  I believe that one of the ways to express our humanness is to identify needs and then find ways to fill them.  Such acts are not only kind; they display justice in a gentle, peaceable way. Whether one applies such principles as a storm or as the sun, the opportunities are endless for bringing light and goodness to those around us and raising others up to reach a better day.

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