Friday, October 12, 2012


It had sprinkled on and off all day long.  Yet, at the end of that workday, the raindrops were so sporadic that Larry and I decided to take a walk at Devil's Lake.  It was a quiet, gentle evening with few people around, and those who were there were pretty much people we knew from our community.  The sky was quiet, too.  Gray clouds folded over each other, moving across the sky.  The sun managed to peek out now and again, but pretty much failed at its attempts. The wind that had been so brisk throughout the day had died down and it was nearly balmy on our walk.  But, then, the sky started to darken.  We arrived back at our car just in time for big raindrops to splat on the windshield.  Soon, jagged streaks of lightning flashed from left to right across the cadet blue sky, one flash after another after another.  We drove into the lightning on our way home, each streak getting more and more dramatic. One flew by with such intensity that it made Larry flinch behind the steering wheel. These were indeed amazing sky lights.

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