Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Why Song

I was busy in my office at work one recent afternoon when I heard a tiny girl approaching my doorway singing a song. She walked by, singing all the way, not knowing that I was listening intently and chuckling.  We all know children ask "Why?" a lot and even respond to our answers with another round of "Why?", but this little girl had turned that eternal question of children into a song, her very own composition -- with only one note and only one word in the lyrics -- "Why?".  She merrily walked down the hallway, singing her one-note song in her high, little voice, "Why? Why? Why? Why?" and didn't even seem to expect an answer.  For her, there appeared to simply be joy in singing her song.  So, when I get caught up in the "whys" of my life, I just might have to take a cue from that little girl and turn it into my very own song.  One note will do.

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