Monday, October 22, 2012

Waiting Room

I tend to be an impatient sort who focuses on waiting for something to happen, rather than living for right now.  I should imagine that most of us fall prey to the same thing.  But, a recent tweet from someone yanked my thoughts into another perspective.  Quoting Eckhardt Tolle from Practicing The Power of Now, the tweet stated, "Give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting...snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be and enjoy being."  I had been waiting for something recently and dedicating a lot of my thoughts to it.  Reading that tweet from the wise Eckhardt Tolle was such a gift.  It reminded me that the present moment is what I have and that if I gave up my waiting (and ruminating), I could spend that precious time just being and enjoying it.  So ever since that tweet, whenever my mind turns into a waiting room, I simply -- intentionally, though not always so easily -- close the door to it and turn my thoughts to the present.

1 comment:

  1. My dad used to use waiting time as a time of prayer and gratitude - even at red lights - it's amazing how quickly time passes doing this and how much more you are grateful for than we typically acknowledge.


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