Thursday, November 29, 2012

Measuring Change

A friend told me that she heard someone say on public radio recently that time is how we measure change.  For one who is slow to accept change  -- unless I create the change myself, that statement resonated all the way to my roots.  When we measure time, I believe that we truly are measuring the constant evolution of life and its circumstances and consequences.  How else can we quantify and perhaps even make sense or bring meaning to the change that is happening within us and all around us all of the time?  Upon further reflection, how is it that as we grow older, time has a way of slipping by at a faster pace?  It can't just be that change is happening faster.  There must be some element of change in how we perceive time as the years of our lives pass by.  I can remember my dad saying that once the 4th of July had arrived, it wouldn't be long before Labor Day would be here.  As a child, I couldn't conceive what he was talking about, for summer felt endless.  Now that I'm an adult, it's amazing how quickly those endless summer days fly by once the 4th of July arrives!  As I think about time these days, more than ever I need time to be, for it is in those slower, more intentional moments that time becomes a precious commodity and change manageable.

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