Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Pinch of Parsley

My friend Ellen and I took a delightful Saturday drive recently to Four Elements Herb Farm in North Freedom.  It was one of those perfect June days when the sky is clear blue, the rolling landscape is every shade of green imaginable, and I realize to the depth of my being why I love living in this beautiful place.  Ellen and I joined countless others in taste-testing teas, touring the gardens and purchasing herb plants.  I had read recently of the many benefits of eating parsley, so a parsley plant had to come home with me.  Now, as I prepare our evening meals, I can snip a bit of parsley to enhance the taste of our food and know that it is also nourishing our bodies in ways I hadn't always realized.  A quiet Saturday afternoon with a dear friend in the beautiful summer countryside - I couldn't have asked for more.

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