Saturday, June 1, 2013

Busting Forth

It's the first day of June and I can't help but think of that zippy number from the musical "Carousel":  "June is Busting Out All Over."  Last evening, Larry and I walked at Devil's Lake and commented on how everything was so lush, green and beautiful.  Truly, the place was busting out all over with late spring vegetation.  It was a wondrous place to be last evening, as always.  My favorite months are April, May and June.  That's when everything wakes up, leafs out and turns green.  The temperatures moderate and it's so pleasant to be outdoors.  It's rather hard for me to believe -- and accept -- that we're now entering the last of that trio of beautiful, favorite months already.  I wait so long for them to return and then, they're suddenly behind us. The lushness of the countryside isn't the only sign that we're entering June. The farmer's market is reflecting that we're there, too.  Each Saturday, there is a greater array of produce from which to choose.  I shop each week with anticipation of what delicious and healthy food I'll find to bring home with me.  I welcome June today, busting out all over.

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