Sunday, September 15, 2013

Seeing the Good

A recent prayer I heard asked that God help our eyes to only see the good.  Those words stopped me in my tracks because I wondered just what percentage of the time my eyes see only the good.  We human beings seem to be programmed to see and possibly enjoy the bad, even the worst, of life.   Turn on the evening news and you see story after story of dismal, heart-wrenching and desperate drama.  Think about the times you choose not to walk away from listening to a juicy morsel of gossip.  Count the times when you've complained of petty annoyances.  During none of these times are my eyes seeing only the good.  As a result, over the past several weeks, I have been watching television news less and less.  It isn't that I want to be ill-informed.  It's just that I don't want to be brought down by scary and sorrowful stuff.  I've also been going to bed each night making sure that I end my day by counting at least three blessings.  And I've been surrounding myself with people who spread joy and share love, rather than hurtful words. These small acts on my part are helping my eyes to see the beauty around me, the good that is present in life.  I still have a long way to go, but little by little, I'm getting an eyeful -- of the good.

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