Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stars in the Sky

Summer night skies are magical.  Larry and I walked along Devil's Lake's south shore one recent evening and then sat on a bench on the north shore, listening to big band music wafting from the Chateau.  Couples were dancing elegantly to the music, swirling, turning and deftly avoiding stepping on toes or backing into other dancers.  Larry munched on popcorn he bought at the nearby stand.  We cuddled on the bench, Larry, his popcorn and me, swaying to the music and casting our eyes upward at the stars in the sky.  It was all so magical, so lovely that a brief wave of grief washed over me as I realized that this was the last Saturday night big band concert for the summer and there would be no more of watching the graceful dancers until next June.  But, then, I thought of the starry skies yet to come this fall, the crisp air, the scent of drying vegetation, the taste of apples, and the autumn color that leaves one speechless.  Each season has its wonder and beauty.  However, I'll hang onto summer as long as it is here for me to do so.  That evening, I was glad to have experienced one more magical summer night sky.

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