Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No Complaint Zone

I read something interesting online about a Kansas City pastor who challenged his congregation to go 21 days (the amount of time it reportedly takes to develop a new habit) without complaining.  He even handed out special bracelets to remind his parishioners to live complaint-free lives.  Whew!  Would I be up to that challenge?  It's pretty easy to let a complaint slip every now and again, from wishing it would rain to lamenting that it's too hot to barking about how unfair something is.  Then again, if I'm aiming to live a life of gentleness and gratitude, what better time than now to start my own 21-day challenge?  So, here goes my experiment.  At the end of 21 days (July 31), I'll report back in as to how I think I've done.  I don't have a special bracelet to remind me, so I'll use my wedding ring as a prompt instead.  Each time I look at my ring during the next three weeks, it'll remind me to curb my complaining.  Wish me luck!

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