Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding

For all the years I've sung "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," including the verse demanding some figgy pudding, I've never really thought about the lyrics too much -- until this year, that is.  I have become enamored with figs.  Our local health foods store, The Grainery, sells organic figs -- regular and dried -- in bulk and I've become a big fan of them.  I really like conadria figs, which are filled with fiber and nutrients and have a golden color, rich, nutty flavor and tender skins. Just one fig at the end of my lunch or dinner makes for a nice, sweet and nutritious ending to my meal.  I've become so fascinated by figs and figgy pudding that I researched them online.  On, I learned that "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" can possibly be traced as far back as 16th century England.  Carolers would sing for wealthy members of the community and be given Christmas treats in exchange for their entertainment.  One of the treats that the carolers would request was figgy pudding.  You don't really hear anything about figgy pudding anymore, but this same online source reported that the pudding was made of figs, butter, sugar, rum, apple, lemon and orange peel, various spices and more.  I won't likely be singing anytime soon for figgy pudding, but I'm glad that I can get yummy figs any time of the year.

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