Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bobbsey Twin

As a child, I loved to be read the stories of The Bobbsey Twins, who were two sets of twins comprised each of a girl and boy.  My mom would read stories of their adventures sledding in the snow, playing at the seashore and more.  I can still see the covers of those books, featuring artists' charming and colorful renditions of the two sets of twins.  While walking at Devil's Lake the other night, Larry and I came upon a boy playing along the shore who reminded me of The Bobbsey Twins.  He had on red shorts, a blue top and a white, sailor-type hat.  He busied himself splashing in the water, skipping stones along the surface and digging his toes into the sand.  He was surrounded by other children who looked to be his siblings but, alas, no other Bobbsey Twins in sight.  For a moment, I was transported back to my childhood -- about the same age as the boy with the sailor hat -- and I could almost hear Mom reading to me about the adventures of those darling children at the seashore.

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