Friday, July 5, 2013

Dodging the Raindrops

We had so much rain last month that it was hard to schedule my evening walks without carrying or wearing my rain jacket.  What I discovered is that I like walking in the rain.  There is something peaceful about having the rain gently falling around and on you.  I saw my friend Sharon out for a walk recently as I was driving down the street.  I stopped the car and rolled down the window for a brief chat and while doing so, it started to drizzle.  I enjoy Sharon so much, but at that moment, I realized we were kindred spirits.  Like me, she doesn't let the rain interfere with her walks.  Last Friday evening, I decided to venture out for my evening walk after a heavy downpour.  It didn't rain on me, save for the drops that fell on my head and glasses from the dripping treetops.  The birds sang louder and the fresh scents seemed sweeter.  No one else was out and about, just the birds and me, singin' after the rain.

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